Will You Be Helping To Clear The Land For Your New Community Center?

Do you live in a small town that hasn't had a community center in the past? Perhaps you remember when the local library was actually in the back room of your only schoolhouse. And, maybe you even remember when senior citizens and teenagers had to depend on using church fellowship halls or the gym at school for their activities. If you are now getting a new community center, the entire community must be very excited.

Are you part of a group that is going to clear the land for the new community center? Perhaps you have professionals who have designed the building and who will build it. But, your planning committee discovered that you could save some important money by cleaning the land yourself. If that's the case, from arranging for heavy-duty towing to planning a work detail to clear the land, here are some ideas that might help you.

Arrange For Heavy-Duty Towing.

Maybe you have people in your community who have offered the use of their tractors and other heavy-duty equipment. However, there remains the problem of how to get the tractors to the site of the new community center. Consider arranging for a heavy-duty towing service to do that job for you. The towing company will have the right equipment to load the tractor or tractors and will transport it right to your location. 

At the end of the clearing project, the same company that delivered the tractor any other heavy-duty equipment will also take it back to the owner. It's true that the towing will cost some money, but it will probably be a lot more affordable than you first imagined. 

Plan A Work Detail

Put out the word in your community that all able hands that can help with the land clearing would be greatly appreciated. Set an age limit, say sixteen years old, for those who can help. Print flyers that can be placed in store windows and anywhere else where people might see them easily. Be sure to include the exact time and day that the land clearing will take place.

Those who weren't able to help on the land clearing can still have a part that will make the day a nice one. For example, water and a noon meal delivered to the site would probably be very much appreciated. Think of taking a picture of the uncleared land so that it will be part of your community's history. 
